Spring Break Counseling Hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Counseling Courses

The Counseling Department offers students a variety of courses to help them address educational, personal, social, and career decisions.  The courses are one to three units and offered in a variety of time frames—semester length , late start and weekends.​

  • Counseling 10      Student Success the First Year Experience  (CSU; UC)
    This course provides students in their first year of college with an introduction to the nature, meanings and outcomes of higher education through the exploration and application of intellectual, social, and psychological principles that lead to well-being and success in college. Students will examine the stages of adult development, learn successful life management techniques, learn strategies for motivation and stress management, and apply creative and critical thinking techniques.

  • Counseling 53        College Survival Skills (CSU)
    This course combines comprehensive academic study strategies with critical thinking and personal development. This course includes the following topics: memory and concentration techniques, lecture note taking systems, textbook study systems, test taking, research strategies, critical analysis, effective problem solving, life and time management, learning styles, personal and educational values and goals, instructor-student relations, and maintaining health.
  • Counseling 60        Effective Study Workshop (CSU)     
    This course is designed to assist students in improving their study skills. Topics include goal identification, organizing study habits, how to read and study textbooks, take effective notes, how to prepare for and take examinations, and the efficient use of the library. Course covers the total development of the individual and attitudes toward academic and personal problem solving.
  • Counseling 62        Introduction to Career Development (CSU)
    This course focuses on the ways career development contributes to a satisfying and healthy life, as well as the development of a career plan. Emphasis is on interest and personality testing, values clarification, career information, research skills, individual skills assessment, decision making, and goal setting. Course also covers changing job trends and requirements, as well as factors related to the procurement and retention of employment.        
  • Counseling 80        Understanding the Transfer Process (CSU)
    An introduction to the process of transfer from a community college to a university for the purposes of long-term educational planning. Students will evaluate and choose universities based on research about degrees offered, transfer requirements, the application process, housing, financial aid, scholarships and support services.
  • Counseling 162.1   Career Assessment and Research
    Overview of the role of assessment and career research in the development of a career plan. Emphasis is on interest and personality testing, values clarification, skills assessment and career information research skills.
  • Counseling 270     Introduction to College 
    An introduction to SRJC that includes programs, services, policies, degrees, certificates, transfer requirements, and college culture. Focus will be on strategies needed for academic success and the development of an academic plan.
  • Counseling 355     College Preparation Skills 
    This course is designed to assist students in developing their skills to prepare for college. This course will include the following topics: study skills, memory and concentration techniques, lecture and note taking strategies, text book reading for college, test taking, life and time management, learning styles, personal and educational values and goals, health and communicating effectively with instructors.