Spring Break Counseling Hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

New Student Checklist



  • File an application online at https://admissions.santarosa.edu/apply. Click on “New or Returning Student.” Apply for the term that you want to attend. Once you have completed your OpenCCC account, you will now complete the SRJC application for admission.
  • Be sure to keep your CCCApply username and password in a secure place for future reference.
  • Be sure to keep your 9 digit SRJC Student Identification number (SID) and PIN in a secure place.


Assessment for placement is one of the critical steps to help students start on a successful pathway in college. It is also critical that you understand your placement options and your rights to access transfer level coursework. If you have graduated from a U.S. high school within the last ten years (or will be graduating this academic year), your math and English placement will be calculated upon admissions and your results can be viewed in your cubby. All other students will do a guided self-placement activity for math and English. If students are interested in English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework, they must take a placement test to determine their appropriate level. The ESL test schedule and the guided self-placement activity can be accessed from the assessment.santarosa.edu webpage.

Students may fulfill the Assessment requirements in the stated subject areas by the following methods:

High school information (Math and English and Credit ESL):

  • High school information submitted through the application process will be reviewed for course placement.
  • Having valid Early Assessment Program (EAP) results that satisfy placement conditions determined by the District can be used if the placement is higher than what would be given by other methods
  • Earning a qualifying Advanced Placement (AP) score in the subject area.

Guided Self-Placement (Math and English):

  • Participating in a Guided Self-Placement activity which allows students (who are not eligible to use HS records for placement) to receive the necessary information to select the most suitable courses

College information (Math and English):

  • Completing an equivalent course at a post-secondary accredited institution in that subject area.
  • Using placement test results from SRJC or other two-year California Community colleges within three years prior to registration if the placement is higher than what would be given by other methods.
  • Obtaining placement results from other two-year California Community Colleges that are calculated in compliance with current legislation.

Placement test (Noncredit ESL only)

  • Taking the SRJC noncredit ESL placement assessment within 6 months prior to initial registration.

Orientation - Select one of the following:

  • Starting Spring 2024, Orientation will be completed remotely using the following link: https://counseling.santarosa.edu/online-orientation. In-person orientations will be a bit limited but still available. We will promote the dates and times of these sessions, as well as how to sign up for one - keep an eye for these!  


  • After your SRJC application and an orientation, go to the Counseling Department to speak with a counselor. To make the most of your meeting with a counselor:
    • Review the current Schedule of Classes online at https://classes.santarosa.edu/ and make a list of possible classes.
    • Bring transcripts from other colleges.
    • Bring AP test scores or EAP test results, if applicable.


Contact Support Services to ensure your success:

  • Admissions and Records
  • Assessment
  • Counseling
  • Disability Resources 
  • Dream Center
  • EOPS 
  • Financial Aid
  • Scholarship
  • Student Health Services