Spring Break Counseling Hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Directory of Services


Directory of Services Get Help and Get Involved!

Directory of Services PDF


The Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and the instructional deans are in charge of the College’s instructional programs. Students who have complaints or issues regarding faculty, classes or grading must discuss their concerns with, first, the faculty member, then the appropriate department chair and, later, the instructional dean as necessary.

  • Agriculture/Natural Resources & Culinary Arts 527-7862
  • Arts & Humanities 524-1538
  • Business & Professional Studies 524-1731
  • Career & Technical Education & Economic Development 524-1792
  • Child Development & Teacher Education 527-4671
  • Curriculum & Educational Support Services 524-1554
  • Health Sciences 527-4271
  • Instruction & Strategic Program Development 521-6036
  • Learning Resources & Educational Tech Doyle Library 527-4392
  • Language Arts & Academic Foundations 522-2627
  • Kinesiology, Athletics, & Dance Department 524-1849
  • Public Safety 836-2903
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics 527-4400
  • Liberal Arts & Sciences 524-1518
  • Petaluma Campus, 600 Richard W Call Building 778-2411


  • Santa Rosa Campus, Bailey Hall, 527-4973

  • Petaluma Campus, John M Jacobs Hall, PC 110, 778-2467

This is where students can pick up checks and clear financial obligations to the College.



  • Santa Rosa Campus, Plover Hall
  • Petaluma Campus, John M Jacobs Hall, PC 109

Can help you with applications for admission, registration, adding and dropping classes, petition for waiver of college regulations, prerequisite equivalency and challenges, proof of eligibility for intercollegiate athletics, transcripts, verification of student status, foreign students’ admissions, graduation and certificate verification.



The SRJC Art Gallery is located on the ground floor of the Doyle Library at the Santa Rosa Campus and admission is FREE. SRJC Art Gallery is dedicated to showcasing relevant, multi-cultural, and contemporary art while honoring the past as presented by artists of regional, national, and international significance as well as featuring the work of SRJC faculty and students.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor, 527-4275 

Articulation is the process of evaluating courses to determine whether coursework completed at one institution will meet the requirements at another institution resulting in formal articulation agreements. Some articulation agreements are “course-to-course agreements,” meaning that they show a specific course from one institution and the comparable specific course from another. Other articulation agreements are “major agreements,” meaning that they show a set of courses required for preparation in a particular major.

All segments of the public higher education system in California––the California Community Colleges, the California State University (CSU), and the University of California (UC)––have agreed to have a single place where articulation agreements between the community colleges and the universities can be found. That place is the ASSIST Web site, which is accessible to the public at www.assist.org.

When you enter the ASSIST Web site, be sure to read through these two Web pages before you begin to use the ASSIST database: 1) 'FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) to learn more about the web site and 2) "Using ASSIST" for information about the two ways to use ASSIST (to view articulation agreements and to explore majors available at UC and CSU campuses). Should you need assistance with accessing or interpreting the information in ASSIST, contact your SRJC counselor.

A limited number of agreements with independent California and out of state colleges and universities can be found on the Articulation Office web page listed above.



  • Santa Rosa Campus, Plover Hall Room 531, 527-4661
  • Petaluma Campus, Jacobs Hall, PC 109, 778-3908

Please contact the Assessment Department regarding the current placement process or refer to the Assessment Website.



To participate in intercollegiate athletics, the student athlete must be careful to meet eligibility requirements. Interested student athletes should contact the Athletic Director or one of the athletic counselors for the rules of eligibility and talk to the coach regarding participation in the chosen sport.

  • Athletic Director: Matt Markovich 524-1849
  • Athletic Counselor: Filomena Avila 527-4451 & Chris Grant
  • Baseball: Damon Neidlinger 527-4389
  • Basketball (Men’s): Craig McMillan 527-4374
  • Basketball (Women’s): Lacey Campbell 527-4265
  • Cross Country (M&W): David Wellman 527-4456
  • Football: Lenny Wagner 527-4393
  • Golf: David Herrington 527-4589
  • Soccer (Men’s): Martin Kinahan 524-1814
  • Soccer (Women’s): Crystal Howard 521-6949
  • Softball: Phil Wright 527-4669
  • Swimming (M&W): Jill McCormick 527-4369
  • Tennis (Men’s): Connor Vans Alysne 478-6962
  • Tennis (Women’s): Connor Vans Alysne 478-6962
  • Track (M&W): David Wellman 527-4456
  • Volleyball: Kaitlin Ferguson 521-7971
  • Water Polo (M): Tyler Denize 521-7935
  • Water Polo (W): Chelsea Hennan 521-7935
  • Wrestling: Jake Fitzpatrick 527-4411


The bookstore sells new and used textbooks as well as reference materials, general reading books, school and office supplies, clothing, art supplies, convenience items, snacks and beverages, and more. Textbook buyback is offered year round, offering the best prices during finals week. The Bookstore also offers a textbook rental program, which affords students an additional economical option.

Additionally, students can order their textbooks and other merchandise and supplies online from the Bookstore website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for home delivery or in-store pickup.



  • Santa Rosa Campus: Bertolini Student Center, 3rd floor, 527-4766

The SRJC CalWORKs Program provides assistance and support for students on Sonoma WORKS while attending Santa Rosa Junior College. Supportive services and academic counseling are designed in conjunction with a student’s County issued Welfare-to-Work Plan. Employment services are related to a student’s educational goal intended to assist in obtaining and advancing career related employment toward self-sufficiency. In addition, the program also serves SRJC students attending from other counties, such as Marin, Napa, Solano or Mendocino.



  • Santa Rosa Campus: Bertolini Student Center 3rd floor, 527-4941

Career Development Services provides resources and services to assist students with choosing a major, making career decisions and developing an educational plan to meet career goals. This services are available to enrolled students and alumni.

In Career Development Services, students can:

  • Browse through a library of career resources
  • Attend career development workshops
  • Pick up handouts relating to career and job search
  • Use the computer lab for job search and career exploration activities
  • Use Career software
  • Meet with a Career Counselor to:
  • Receive help with choosing a major
  • Develop an educational plan to meet career goals
  • Career assessment testing
  • Meet with a Career Advisor to:
  • Assistance with making career decisions
  • Career exploration assessments
  • Research occupational and labor market information
  • Design a targeted resume
  • Practice for a job interview   Each spring the department hosts a Career Expo on the Santa Rosa Campus.



  • Santa Rosa Campus Bertolini Student Center, 3rd floor, 527-4476
  • Petaluma Campus John M Jacobs Hall, PC 116, 778-4177

The Career Hub assists SRJC students and alumni in finding part-time and full-time employment both on and off campus.

On-campus employment provides students the opportunity to acquire and develop general work habits, earn extra money while enrolled in college and assist departments in maintaining programs. Program Highlights:

• On-campus employment

The Career Hub assists students interested in working on-campus with the application and hiring process, and provides ongoing support to student employees during their employment at SRJC. Students must be enrolled part time to work on campus, 6 units in Fall and Spring semesters and 3 units during the Summer Semester

On-line job board for students and alumni features:

Jobs posted by local employers

  •  Resume templates
  •  Job search and career videos
  •  Career advice documents and podcasts
  •  Access to job listings state and nationwide



  • Santa Rosa Campus, 527-4834 Academic Skills Lab, Analy Village 601
  • Petaluma Campus, 778-3950 Academic Skills Lab, Kathleen Doyle Hall, PC 252A

College Skills offers open-entry, openexit Academic Skills Labs to help students brush up and improve reading, writing and/or math skills, as well as prepare for the GED test. Instruction is provided in a self-paced, supportive and stress-free learning environment on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses. GED prep classes for Spanish-speaking students are also available. Enrollment in the Academic Skills Labs and classes is open throughout the semester. Students may enroll online or go directly to the class to register. College Skills also offers credit classes in reading, writing, math, and online learning skills.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center
    • Work Experience Dept.
    • 3rd floor, Room 4842, (707) 527-4329
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Work Experience Dept.
    • Kathleen Doyle Hall, Room 214
    • (707) 778-3920

Community Engagement credits are self-directed student volunteer courses designed to facilitate experiential learning and service to the community. Students volunteer 50 hours per unit per semester for 0.5 to 3.0 units of CSU transferrable credit at a variety of nonprofit agencies including schools, animal care facilities, recreation programs, parks, wildlife agencies, nature preserves, hospitals, and clinics. Restricted enrollment – student must contact the Career Hub (see above).



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • ​Bertolini Student Center, 2nd Floor
    • (707) 527-4451
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Kathleen Doyle Hall, PC 216
    • (707) 778-3914



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center, 3rd Floor
    • 527-4278, TDD 528-2442
  • Petaluma Campus
    • John M Jacobs Hall, PC 101, 778-2491

The Disability Resources Department (DRD) facilitates equal access for qualified students to community college education through services, academic accommodations and specialized instruction. Students with verified disabilities are encouraged to request services through this department. DRD serves students with a variety of disabilities, including, but not limited to: mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, chronic health conditions and acquired brain injuries. Services include specialized academic advising focusing on individual abilities and limitations, disability management counseling, and equipment loan services. Qualifying students may be authorized to receive academic accommodations including extra time for exams, mobility assistance, sign language interpreters or note takers. Specialized course offerings include: career development and college success strategies. Courses focus on issues and topics unique to students with disabilities.



  • Santa Rosa Campus, Pedroncelli Center 527-1000
  • Petaluma Campus Carol L Ellis Hall, PC 305, 527-1000
  • For any emergency call 527-1000 (or 911 as a second option).

District Police Officers provide 24 hour, 7 days a week patrols enforcing all California laws. Nonsworn personnel provide parking enforcement, and other services such as safety escorts, lockout assistance, battery jumps, and fingerprinting. Crimes occurring on or about District properties are investigated by District Police Officers. Crime statistics and the Clery Report are available upon request or at the above web site. Register with Nixle.com to get safety related updates from the Police Department. 



Doyle Library offers a wide range of print and online information sources that support class instruction and knowledge discovery. Students will find an excellent collection of print books and periodicals as well as textbooks for many classes. The library offers a robust collection of online databases to find text and video sources, as well as web-based tutorials and a bibliographic tool that guides students through the creation of bibliographies and is free. Librarians provide research assistance online, by phone, or in person. Students may also schedule one-on-one appointments. Group study rooms, computer workstations, printers, copiers, scanners and even calculators for semester loan are available.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
  • Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor, 527-4383

EOPS is a program that helps full-time, low income, educationally disadvantaged students achieve their academic goals at Santa Rosa Junior College. The program is designed to make the college experience accessible and rewarding to those facing language, social, and economic challenges. The program strives to be responsive to the needs of EOPS students and to create an environment that is supportive of cultural diversity throughout the District.

EOPS services include:

  • Priority 1 registration
  • Book Vouchers and Loans
  • Academic, vocational, transfer and personal counseling
  • Application fee waivers for CSU, UC systems
  • Bilingual services in Spanish
  • Priority slots at the SRJC Child Care Center

CARE is a state-funded program that assists EOPS eligible students receiving Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) with services such as meal tickets, grants, and workshops.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • 1201-1219 Barnett Hall, 527-4382
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Counseling Department, 778-3914

The ESL Program offers a supportive environment for second language students who wish to improve their English reading, writing, and oral communication skills, and for those who wish to prepare for the workplace, certificate and vocational programs, or transfer to four-year institutions.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • ​Plover Hall
  • ​Petaluma Campus
    • ​First Stop, Jacobs Hall, Room 109




  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center, 3rd floor, 521-7909

The MESA Community College Program is an academic and early professional support program for students planning to transfer from SRJC to a four-year college or university with a calculus-based STEM major. MESA assists eligible students to improve their academic performance, to form networks with other STEM transfer students, to prepare for undergraduate research, and to better understand math and science careers.

MESA accepts new students each fall semester. To apply, interested students should contact the program, request an enrollment application, and schedule an appointment for a program orientation.



  • Ask-A-Librarian page: https://libanswers.santarosa.edu/ 
  • Petaluma Campus, 778-3974

Mahoney Library offers a wide range of print and online information sources that support class instruction and knowledge discovery. Students will find an excellent collection of print books and periodicals as well as textbooks for many classes. The library offers a robust collection of online databases to find text and video sources, as well as web-based tutorials and a bibliographic tool that guides students through the creation of bibliographies and is free. Librarians provide research assistance online, by phone, or in person. Students may also schedule one-on-one appointments. Group study rooms, computer workstations, printers, copiers, scanners and even calculators for semester loan are available.



5743 Skylane Blvd, Windsor, 837-8843

Offers the Basic Police Academy, Adult and Juvenile Correctional Officer Academies, Probation Officer academy and Basic Dispatch, Basic Advanced Humane officer Academics specialized technical and advanced officer courses and courses for supervisory and management personnel. Administers the National Parks Service Program, Firefighter 1 Academy, Wildland Fire Academy, In-Service Fire Officer courses and EMT 1 through Paramedic level training.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center, Counseling Office
    • (707)521-7864
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Kathleen Doyle Hall, Counseling Office
    • (707)778-3914

The Puente Project is a transfer program open to all students. It is a two-semester learning community encompassing English instruction, Counseling and Mentoring, focusing on the Chicano/Latino experience. Mentoring is provided by members of the Sonoma County professional community. Additional program activities are designed to help students participate fully in academics, cultural and career preparation.



  • Santa Rosa Campus, 527-4224

The Robert Call Child Development Center consists of one infant, three toddler, and three preschool classrooms serving children from six months to five years of age. The center is open during fall and spring semesters, and closed in the summer. The center provides exemplary child care and development services, and serves as a state demonstration site for the Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC). Students in a variety of disciplines,
and student teachers, receive knowledge and skills in child development. Subsidized infant-toddler care plus subsidized and nonsubsidized preschool is offered. For more information and registration, please call the
number above.




  • Santa Rosa Campus, Bussman Hall, 527-4479

Features changing exhibits of native art from throughout the Americas. The museum works closely with the Santa Rosa Indian community in exhibit preparation. Native art is displayed as a window through which the
rich traditions of indigenous cultures can be viewed. The museum functions as a laboratory for instructors and classes in the behavioral sciences and many other disciplines.



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Bertolini Student Center, 1st floor, 527-4424
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Richard W Call Building, PC 608, 778-3637

We believe students receive the most from their collegiate experience and increase their chance of success when they become involved in our unique programs designed to support and complement classroom learning. By engaging in one or more of these programs, students will make valuable connections with students and staff; give purpose and meaning to their experience, and open up paths to personal success and development. We guarantee a more rewarding time at SRJC should student choose involvement!

The Associated Students of SRJC is the official voice of students as recognized by the SRJC Board of Trustees. The A.S. represents the opinions and needs of all students. Student involvement ensures the maintenance and development of a strong and effective voice within the collegewide committee process. The A.S. is also responsible for planning campus events and activities. If you are interested in being involved in either the Student Senate, the Programs Committe, or Clubs and Organizations, contact the Student Affairs Office. The SRJC Associated Student makes it happen!

In addition to its role as the pivotal student advocacy entity on campus, the Associated Students also offers CubCard Plus benefits for only $15 a semester, $9 in the summer…Join Us!

CubCard Plus Benefits:

School Discounts:

  • 10% year round discount on Non-Textbook purchases at the SRJC Bookstores.
  • ONE DAY per year; 10% off everything including Textbooks (date TBA) at the SRJC Bookstores.
  • 20% discount on CyBear services in the Student Resource Center.
  • $5 discount on parking permit OR $2 discount on motorcycle parking permit.
  • CubCard Plus members may qualify for emergency loans or book loans.

Free Admission:

  • Home Athletic Events (some restrictions apply)
  • Theater Arts Productions
  • Petaluma Cinema Series
  • Activities and Events Sponsored by Associated Students

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are engaged in numerous service opportunities and programming events that aid in their ethical and leadership development. As peer mentors, they enhance the overall vibrancy of the college and participate in the following activities:

  • Tours & Outreach Activities
  • Campus Tours
  • Diversity Awareness Programs
  • Leadership Development Training
  • Social and educational events

Center for Student Leaderships (CSL): Seminars, Training & Studies

The mission of the CSL is to engage students in a variety of learning opportunities to help expand their knowledge and abilities in leadership and service.

Seminars & Retreats

The CSL program offers at least seven seminars a semester meant to educate students on leadership skills, civic responsibility, and diversity issues. The CSL, and the Associated Students plan a summer leadership retreat for all students interested in student government and service-learning. 

Student Housing


SRJC now has on-campus student housing! On-campus housing is limited and in high demand. While living on campus is not required, it is also not guaranteed and offered on a priority basis and then a first-come, first-served basis. The Residence Life & Housing Office highly recommends students submit their housing application as soon as the housing portal opens to increase their chances of obtaining a space and avoiding being placed on the priority waitlist. Residents must be registered students with a minimum of six (6) credit hours per semester.

Links and tips for students trying to find a place to live off-campus. 

The Student Resource Center

  • Santa Rosa: 1st Floor, Bertolini Student Center, Room 4657
    •  (707) 522.2638
  • ​Petaluma: Call Building, Room PC 608
    • ​(707) 778.3637

The Student Resource Centers serve all students facing barriers to basic needs. We offer one on one assistance for any SRJC student-facing insecurities with housing, food, health, supplies, transportation, etc. We
truly believe everyone should have access to quality education and opportunities for personal and professional growth. We have developed this resource center to help our students navigate through the sometimes
rough waters of college.



  • Santa Rosa Campus, 4017 Race Building
    • (Clinical Services) 527-4445
  • Santa Rosa Campus, 559 Plover Hall
    • (Mental Health and Wellness Programs) 524-1595
  • Petaluma Campus, 610 Richard Call Building
    • (Clinical and Mental Health Services) 778-3919

Student Health Services provides health support services to the college community, as well as providing select confidential healthcare services to individual students enrolled in credit courses. Health centers are established on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Campuses; please call, or check the website for the latest information on hours of service. Services for individual students include:

  • Free nurse practitioner, physician, and mental health provider visits
  • Free over-the-counter pain relievers, condoms, Band-Aids, and more
  • Treatment for acute injuries and illnesses
  • Tuberculosis screenings and immunizations (charges may apply)
  • Mental health counseling: individual, couples, and group therapy
  • Crisis intervention drop-in services
  • Health promotion and peer education services
  • Referrals for health care in the community
  • Health insurance and Medi-Cal enrollment services
  • Reproductive health services available on both campuses by Santa Rosa Community Health Center and Petaluma Health Center (Birth control, cancer screening, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, etc.)

Health awareness events, classroom presentations and educational support activities are also provided by the department. 


  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • ​Bertolini Student Center, 2nd floor, 524-1647

Office of the Vice President of Student Services. Office staff provides general information and referral. 



  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • ​Bertolini Student Center, 3rd Floor, 527-4874

It is the mission of the SRJC Transfer Center to meet the needs of students preparing to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program by providing accurate, up-to-date information and a set of coordinated resources, activities, and services that support the transfer process.

The Transfer Center Offers:

  • Individual meetings with college/university representatives
  • Assistance with college/university applications
  • Referrals to other programs that support transfer students
  • Workshops, seminars, and panel presentations on transfer topics
  • An annual college fair
  • Resource books
  • Directories of information about college/ universities and their academic programs
  • Computerized college/university search programs
  • Coun 80, a 1 unit course about transfer planning


Would you like to know at least a year before you transfer exactly which courses you must take and the grades you must earn to guarantee your admission to a university?

Such a guarantee exists! It is called a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG).

Santa Rosa Junior College students can apply for a guarantee with any UC (except Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego).

You may be eligible to enter into a TAG if you have completed enough transferable units and will complete transfer admission requirements by the individual university's deadlines. You can find more information about those requirements for each of our TAG university partners at https://transfer.santarosa.edu - choose "Transfer Admission Guarantees" on the sidebar.

To learn about the TAG application process, attend a TAG workshop. Dates and times are posted on the Transfer Center website.

(NOTE: Completion of a TAG does not take the place of the application. The actual application must be filed during the priority filing period.)


  • Santa Rosa Campus
    • Doyle Library, first floor, 527-4491
  • Petaluma Campus
    • Kathleen Doyle Hall, PC 247, 778-2409

The Tutorial Centers provide tutoring free of charge for SRJC students needing assistance in their regular coursework. Staff in the Tutorial Centers are experts in the subjects they tutor and enjoy helping others to succeed. Qualified students are also hired as tutors. Remember, students don’t have to be in trouble to use this service; many students come to the Tutorial Center to maintain their “A’s” and “B’s”. Both group and individual tutoring are provided. The tutorial program offers tutoring in ASL, Astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, economics, English, ESL, foreign languages, geography, history, math, philosophy, physics and other requested subjects. Drop-in tutoring is available for math, chemistry, physics, and writing (for ESL and other courses). 



  • Santa Rosa Campus, Plover Hall, 527-4326

The Veterans Affairs office mission is to provide current or prospective SRJC students who are United States military Veterans, active military, and their families with access to educational opportunities and the necessary support services to reach academic success, their career goals, and transition back into civilian life. SRJC cooperates with the Veterans Administration and with the California State Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in helping Veterans and dependents apply for Federal and state educational benefits. Our staff is here to assist student Veterans and eligible dependents and to make appropriate referrals regarding educational benefits.


English Department faculty and instructional aides offer drop-in, one-on-one tutorial assistance to students, with what-ever writing problems or tasks they have. Students may come with an assignment for an English class or any other class, for a personal tutorial on writing issues, or to use a computer to work on a writing assignment.



  • Santa Rosa Campus 
    • Bertolini Student Center 
    • 3rd floor, Room 4842, 527-4329 
  • Petaluma Campus 
    • Kathleen Doyle Hall, 778-3920 

Work Experience courses are supervised employment intended to assist students in acquiring desired work habits, attitudes and career awareness. Courses include General/Occupational, Internship, Community Involvement and Apprenticeship. Your job site is your classroom!

Work Experience courses offered:

General Work Experience (WRKEX 97)

Any supervised paid employment at a licensed business. Students apply soft skills to their work environment.

Occupational Work Experience (courses ending with “99,” such as WEOC99)

Paid job must correlate with declared major.

Internship (99i) courses

For students who have completed most program coursework and are ready for on-the-job experience, paid or unpaid, directly to their major. Restricted enrollment – student must contact Work Experience.

Community Involvement (CI) courses

Earn college credit for volunteer work at a nonprofit or public sector agency. Restricted enrollment – student must contact Work Experience.

Apprenticeship courses

Offered through partnerships with local providers for roofing, plumbing/HVAC, and electrical.