Spring Break Counseling Hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Registration: Prerequisites & Repeats

Course Prerequisites

A prerequisite is a course completed or skills a student must have before enrolling in a particular class. For instance, to enroll in English 1A, a student must complete English 100 or ESL 100 (with a ā€œCā€ or better) or earn a qualifying score on the English Placement Test.

A recommendation is different than a prerequisite. It is advisory and will not block a student from enrolling in a particular class. It is important to take recommendations seriously as they are based on the skills or knowledge that department faculty believe are needed to do well in a class.

How to Satisfy Course Prerequisites

1. Students can register for and complete the prerequisite course with a Pass or a C grade, or better.

2. Students who have completed the prerequisite course at another college (with credit or a C grade or better) must submit a Prerequisite Equivalency Form and official transcripts to Admissions and Records.

3. Students who believe they have the skills necessary to enroll in a class without having met the stated prerequisite must submit a Prerequisite Challenge Form and supporting documentation (if applicable) to Admissions and Records.

4. Both forms can be accessed through your student portal or from the Admissions webpage, at https://admissions.santarosa.edu/forms

5. Once an equivalency form (with official transcript) or a challenge form is submitted, Admissions and Records lifts the prerequisite block, allowing a student to enroll. Check your student portal to find if your prerequisite challenge was approved or denied. Department faculty review prerequisite challenges, and Admissions and Records will notify and administratively drop any student whose challenge is not approved. 

Limit On Repeating Courses

Limit On Repeating Courses Effective Summer 2012, SRJC began implementing new limitations regarding course repetition and withdrawal in a single course. These limitations are mandated by Board of Governor's Title 5 regulations. Repeating a course, in which you previously received a substandard grade of D, F, NC, NP, and/or a W symbol, will be limited to three enrollments total. These new regulations are retroactive to the Fall 1981 semester.

For example, if you take a course and receive a D grade, repeat the same course in a subsequent semester and receive a W, take the course for a third time and receive a W, D, F, or NP, you will not be allowed to register for the course again. You made three attempts to pass the course and that is all you are allowed. Students may petition to enroll in the course a fourth time and may be approved based upon documented extenuating circumstances.

Therefore, you are advised to carefully choose your courses each term to ensure successful completion. You should also pay close attention to the deadline to drop a course without receiving a W symbol. Withdrawing before this deadline does NOT count as an attempt at the course. Short and late starting classes have different deadline dates.